Sarah J Barnard-Moreland, PsyD Life-Coach, Relationship-Coach, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Educator

Dr. Barnard-Moreland

Dr. Sarah Barnard-Moreland is the owner-operator of LionHeart Services, LLC located in Arroyo Grande, California. She holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and has more than 10,000 hours of clinical training in the field of psychology. Her doctoral emphasis was in depth psychology (which centers on working with the unconscious). In addition to her doctorate, she also holds several other degrees including philosophy, English literature, organizational leadership and educational counseling. She currently resides in Arroyo Grande, California, with her child.

The Mission of LionHeart Services: Help individuals discover who they are in Jesus. Shed the lies. Open their hearts to His tending and care. Release strongholds. Usher in freedom. Lionheart enables individuals to use their perceived weaknesses as their covert super-powers…for God’s power is perfected in our weakness! SO, we can rejoice all the more loudly, for when we are weak, we are strong (2 Cor. 12:10).

How I Can Help You

LionHeart Life Coaching is designed for the sole purpose of

helping individuals overcome strongholds that are impeding joy and restricting a life of freedom.